
Steel is a commodity that is used nearly everywhere. Since the first steel boom which sparked off the Industrial Revolution, steel has continued to make our lives better and easier in thousands of ways. It is strong, durable, adaptable and can be recycled almost indefinitely.

It is used in space shuttles, bridges, cars, homes, to name a few uses of this exquisitely versatile material. Today, its uses are growing by leaps and bounds, into new types of high tech alloys which guarantee a better life for us.

World of Steel® is our brand in the steel segment catering to the global steel industry. It is the backbone of our company. It is an evolution of more than 50 years of international steel business experience encompassing Latin America, North America, Europe, Middle East, Far East, South Asia and North and East Africa. It is a legacy of knowledge, friendships and relationships built and nurtured over the years.

It has been a pioneer in online services since 1999 in the Steel Industry, providing international marketing, outsourced manufacturing, back office, contact center and order management services.

It is a mix of online and off line resources backed by a highly motivated team to deliver results that meet our customers expectations – every time.