
China is India’s largest trading partner. But we know very little about the country and its culture and its language. Even after 8 or 10 visits we are lost and carry papers with directions written in Chinese to find our way around.

We will have to go beyond translators in a world where China and India have become leading global economies and sometimes competitors as well.

For any manufacturing company, some part of the supply chain or some raw material could be coming from China. One will need to get one’s message across to the shop floor in China. For an engineer, it is China where one can learn frugal engineering.

Orient Crossing is an education service to impart Chinese language skills.

We will be offering following courses:
(A) Basic Chinese Language speaking skills.
(B) Intermediate Chinese Language speaking skills (After Module A or entry test).
(C) Advanced Chinese Language speaking skills (after modules A plus B or entry test).
(D) Chinese Culture Orientation Workshops

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